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Musical tourism: 10 video clips that will make you dream of Chile without leaving your house.

Musical tourism: 10 video clips that will make you dream of Chile without leaving your house.

By: Chile Travel - 28 August, 2021

Chile is a country loved for the great diversity of landscapes that it portrays to each one of the many travelers who visit it, but it also surprises with the richness of its urban culture, which is reflected in graffiti, books and, especially, in its music. An acoustic medley that not only takes you on a journey through sound, but also visually, which is why we invite you to enjoy 10 video clips that will make you dream of Chile.

Because Chile is a country of contrasts, it is the perfect location for national and international artists to film their music videos, and bring their work to life at any time of the year.

So, if you’re not only a travel enthusiast, but also a music lover, put on your headphones or turn up the volume on your computer and let’s tour Chilean destinations together through music. It’s a good start to get to know our country better and start planning your next adventure through the beauties of the far south of the world.

Let’s dive in! Check out 10 music videos that will make you dream of Chile and will undoubtedly be the soundtrack of your next trip.

1.-La Noche Oscura (The Dark Night): In the magical landscapes of the Atacama Desert, the Chilean singer and composer Paz Court duels against herself while telling us about a mystical encounter with death in one of the most extreme destinations in our country.

For us, its the best scenario for a beautiful song inspired by the folklore of the legendary Chavela Vargas.

Join this spiritual journey here:

imagen del videoclip chileno la Noche Oscura

2.- Ciervos (Deers): Lake Puyehue is a witness of how the members of this indie rock band, Astro, cohabit with the deer of Southern Chile and other species of native fauna, as they jump and run around their natural landscape, surrounded by the green mountains of the area.

What are you waiting for to click and dive into this wild experience?:

Imagen del videoclip chileno Ciervos

3.- Cruzando la Pampa (Crossing the Flats): The whole essence of the traditional festival of La Tirana is portrayed in this video clip by the musician Latin Bitman, which also features the rapper Zaturno. With wide shots of the Atacama Desert, in this audiovisual piece you can appreciate the typical dances of the celebration, the colorful costumes and the exacerbated masks that seek to scare away the bad spirits.

After you watch this video, you won’t want to miss this emblematic festivity near the city of Iquique. Schedule your next visit:

Imagen de la Fiesta de La Tirana

4.- Raptado (Kidnapped): With vintage, noble and natural aesthetics, in this video, the singer Camila Moreno inserts herself into the wonderful forests of central Chile, specifically those of El Tranque La Luz, surrounding Lake Peñuelas, and travels through them as if she were the protagonist of a story.

We invite you to enjoy this clip that will inspire you to visit this destination and run through the trees creating your own story:

Imagen del videoclip chileno Camila Moreno

 5.- Tren al Sur (Train to the South): A 90’s classic by the emblematic Chilean rock band, Los Prisioneros, in which you can appreciate a tour by land that goes from Santiago to the south of Chile.

Green landscapes where horses and cows run freely, and rivers where wild birds swim, are enough reason for you to want to live the experience of traveling by train from our capital to the south of the country.

Be transported visually here:

Imagen de un tren rumbo al sur de Chile

6.-Lucha en Equilibrio (Battle in Balance): The landscapes of this music video will evoke a sensation of strength, energy and freedom.  Denise Rosenthal, a Chilean singer recorded this video on the coasts of Maitencillo, located 60 km from Valparaiso, and in areas near Farellones.

While planning your visit to the beaches of Chile, watch this video here:

Imagen de playa Maitencillo

7.-Pillanes: If you are an adventurer who loves the mountains and can imagine yourself walking through them, the destination shown in this music video by the band Pillanes and this song with the same name as the band, will leave you wishing you were there. The exact location of this audiovisual piece is El Yeso Reservoir, a place surrounded by mountains where you can breathe pure air and enjoy the silence.

Watch the video here and get ready to live this magical experience:

Imagen del embalse del Yeso

 8.-Ambar: If you are someone who not only appreciates nature, but fights to protect it, this video will fascinate you! The duo Marineros, filmed the music video of their latest song, Ámbar, in the Cahuil Wetland, located approximately 13 km from Pichilemu. This place is known for its privileged ecosystem made up of more than 40 species. It is also surrounded by a lagoon of crystalline waters, where you are sure to find harmony.

The most important thing is that the money collected from the reproductions on Youtube will be donated to the international foundation “Fridays For Future”, which calls for action against global warming and climate change.

Enjoy the admirable landscapes of this audiovisual piece and also collaborate with this noble cause, here:

9.-La Muerte (Death): The setting chosen by Niño Cohete to film this video is great: Lake Lanalhue at the base of the Nahuelbuta Mountain Range, surrounded by an incredible forest of ancient trees. You’ll love it!
You will want to experience that mystical journey and you will surely start planning your next visit to Chile.

See it here:

Imagen del Lago Lanalhue

10.-Partir (Leave): The beaches of the central coast of Chile are the favorites of many and that is why pop singer Nicole chose the coasts of Tunquén, a town less than an hour from Valparaíso, to record this video that shows us landscapes through wide and generous shots. In this audiovisual piece you can also appreciate the native fauna of the area, which has 12 species that are in conservation.

Watch this clip and be inspired by its warm colors here:

Imagen del videoclip de la cantante chilena Nicole

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