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By: Chile Travel - 14 April, 2021

BySolange Passicot | Date: 1 March, 2021 | InAdventure , Blog , Culture ,

A “Horse Riding Holiday” is an extraordinary experience! Imagine riding through the most beautiful and extreme landscapes of Chile on the back of a Chilean horse, getting first-hand knowledge of the customs, culture, and gastronomy of the southern tip of the world.


Photo: Sothern Cross Connection

Many people think that they need to have at least some riding experience to go on a horse riding vacation, but this is not necessarily true. Whether you are an inexperienced rider, you want to go with kids or haven’t ridden in a while, a Horse Riding Holiday is a wonderful adventure.

Destinations such as the Atacama Desert or the Andean Araucanía are perfect for pacing, trotting, and galloping through dreamlike landscapes. More experienced riders can choose to go on tougher adventures and test their confidence, fitness, and readiness to spend several days on horseback. Surely they will be rewarded with an incredible experience they’ll never forget.


Jaime Zaror is an expert when it comes to the evermore in-demand Horse Riding Holidays. He has been traveling around the country for over two decades, organizing the most interesting and unique experiences, and visiting the most fantastic landscapes in Chile with tourists from all over the world.

“I think I was born on a horse. My life has always been connected to nature. In addition, I’ve been able to participate in organizing several Chilean and South American events”.

Although Jaime Zaror is a publicist by profession, he has always been in love with horses and the outdoors. Then he finally decided to make a living out of his passion. He began to learn more and more about the characteristics of Chilean thoroughbred horses and to deepen his knowledge of Chile’s territory and culture in order to create an experience that he offers to visitors who share the same passion as he does or for anyone who would like to discover what the unique experience of a horse riding vacation is all about.

In his eagerness to share his passion, he has discovered the best locations and tasted the most exquisite food and wines, combining what, for him, represents the best of Chile: its horses, its nature, and its cuisine.


Photo: Sothern Cross Connection

Jaime recalls when mountain crossings on horseback were like epic journeys. “Today, the crossings are well regulated. In the past, they were facilitated by baqueanos, a sort of cowboy who knew the roads and its shortcuts like the palms of their hands. But now, due to the effects of climate change, it is almost impossible to plan with the necessary precision to guarantee the optimal conditions in the high mountain range. And now, with the pandemic, it isn’t possible to cross the Andes on horseback, at least for the time being.”

“But there are many other types of trips that are possible now, which are equally interesting and exciting. The world is looking for new experiences like Horse Riding Holidays, and Chile has all it takes to offer them,” adds Jaime with full conviction.


Photo: Sothern Cross Connection

“We teach our guests about the local culture by experiencing it. We deliver a high level of authenticity and quality in our service, complying with international regulations, and having only the best horses,” says Jaime with pride and enthusiasm.


Photo: Sothern Cross Connection

The Chilean horse has been declared a Natural Monument. Although their origin dates back to 1540, when Spaniards started to colonize the Chilean territory, it was not until 1893 that the National Society of Agriculture officially established the only Genealogical Registry of the Chilean Horse that is also the only one in the Americas and one of the oldest in the world.

The Chilean horses’ strength, stamina, and endurance are the result of Chile’s geography. It’s a horse for cowboys, not very tall (pony height), with a thick neck and robust chest. They don’t need special forage during journeys. They can easily graze anywhere they go, always in the company of travelers who love them.

For Jaime, the horse-food-wine trilogy is fundamental. To show the country through the eyes of a Chilean horse rider and his thoroughbred horses and to develop equestrian tourism is a great dream come true. He is proud to be Chilean and has made it his mission to promote this fantastic way of vacationing.


Photo: Sothern Cross Connection


Today, entrepreneurs like Jaime Zaror have more possibilities to offer tours for families or riders with different riding experience levels. The equestrian world has demanded diversity, making it possible to organize different kinds of adventures.


Photo: Sothern Cross Connection

For example, the “western” style tour takes visitors to participate in cattle herding circuits, where they learn about life in the countryside. Some want to know the huaso culture (the huaso is the Chilean peasant, equivalent to the gaucho or the cowboy). Others prefer an expedition of several days on horseback, where they can choose different kinds of accommodation and gastronomic experiences.

Once you have experienced a Horse Riding Holiday here, you will know that there is no better place than Chile to enjoy these beautiful animals, the breathtaking landscapes, friendly company, first-class hotels and great wining and dinning.

Caballos desierto

Photo: Sothern Cross Connection

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