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The adventure of your life: Travel to Patagonia for 4 days

Update date: 3 March 2023

Estrecho de Magallanes (Strait of Magellan), Faro San Isidro, Estancia Cerro Negro, Villa turística Río Serrano, and Lago Pehoé.

3 días - 40 KM
Recommended months for the visit: September - May
Difficulty level Medium - Advanced

Flight to Punta Arenas and Estrecho de Magallanes

From the capital of Santiago, the flight to Punta Arenas lasts approximately 3 hours and 25 minutes, which gives you time to travel in the morning and spend the entire second half of the day getting to know this wonderful city in the extreme south of Chile.               

Moreover, you can visit unmissable places, travel around the promenade of the Estrecho de Magallanes, do the 1:30-hour and low-demand trekking towards Faro San Isidro, or visit the Site Museum Nao Victoria and go back 500 years.

Photography: @eriverasilva

Direct flights to Puerto Natales also depart from Santiago, the closest city to the Torres del Paine.

Which gives you time to travel in the morning

Travel to Torres del Paine & Estancia Cerro Negro

On this day you will travel from Punta Arenas to Torres del Paine, a 4-hour bus ride, ideal to get to know the Estancia Cerro Negro and the Baqueanos.

Here you can enjoy amazing landscapes, as well as prepare your body and spirit for the intense trekking that will take you to the Base Torres while tasting lamb cooked in a piece of wood, a typical dish from southern Chile.

Photography: @baqueanos.

The bus ride is about 317.5 kilometers.

Journey across Base Torres & the wonders of the park

On the third day we get up early. The sun rises around 5:30 a.m. in summer and part of the park closes at 1 p.m. for security reasons, so this is the time we must plan our trip.

The trekking lasts 8 hours. It is considered to be an intense trekking, and it is full of breathtaking landscapes. 

Native forests, rivers, and beautiful mountains, the trekking towards Base Torres will fill you with postcards to remember, as well as photographs which you will remember your trip with, and you will be the envy of your friends.

Some people go during the early hours of the day to see the sunrise from high up, a light show over the mountains that you will not see anywhere else. 


Remember to start this trip early because part of the park closes at 1 p.m.

Glaciar Grey & Lago Nordenksjol

On this day we will start from Torres del Paine National Park to Grey to sail Lake Grey, something that could be done quietly by taking out in advance an authorized Sernatur guide.


There are different schedules to do this excursion that will take you to enjoy the splendid blue of the glacier and the iceberg that float in the water, as well as offering a unique perspective of the Cerro Paine Grande, the Macizo de Paine, and the forests that surround the lake on a water journey for just over 3 hours.             


After this excursion, you can have lunch in the area of the hostel Grey to enjoy the unique cuisine there.


To end our trip, we will sail around lake Nordenskjol, an incredible beauty surrounded by majestic mountains, unique flora and fauna, and the truly impressive landscape that the park offers.


It is important to remember that all the activities must be done together with authorized Sernatur guides to ensure the protection of the territory and the best experience for us.


Once all activities are over and after several journeys, dishes, landscapes, and unforgettable activities, we are ready to return to the central part of Chile, ready for our next adventure.

Photography: @njjohnc.

The surroundings of Lake Nordenskjol are ideal for horseback riding.

Plan your perfect trip
  • Always carry your Passport or ID, and have appropriate clothing, a basic first-aid kit, and water on you.
  • Always take some cash because there are places where you will not find an automatic teller machine.
  • We advise you to take out travel insurance with coverage in Chile for any eventuality.
Transportation options
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