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There’s still some grape harvest left! Dates and locations you should know

There’s still some grape harvest left! Dates and locations you should know

By: Hernan Claro - 17 April, 2023

grape harvest

Chile is a country known around the world for its excellent wines, created with fine selected grapes and under the good weather of valleys from north to south.

Across the country, Chileans are so fanatical about wine that every year they celebrate the Grape Harvest Festival, when the main producers extract the raw material of this alcoholic drink at its peak.

In Chile grape harvests are typically celebrated during the months of March, April and May, so there is still time to celebrate.

If you want to know the dates and location of these celebrations, taste our varieties of wines, tread grapes, listen to national music and drink wine accompanied with typical Chilean cuisine, keep reading!

April grape harvest dates

• Chillán Viejo Grape Harvest Festival | April 14th, 15th & 16th
• Melipilla Grape Harvest Festival, Santiago | April 15th and 16th
• Viña El Escorial Grape Harvest Festival, Viña El Escorial, Panquehue, San Felipe | April 22nd
• Buin Grape Harvest Festival | April 22nd and 23rd
• Isla de Maipo Grape Harvest Festival, Plaza de Armas, Isla de Maipo | April 29th and 30th
• Quillón Grape Harvest Festival | April 21st to 22nd, at the Plaza de Armas, Quillón, Ñuble
• Millapoa Grape Harvest Festival | April 1st and April 15th (solidarity event) in Millapoa, Comunica de Nacimiento, Biobío.
• Expo Viñas Campesinas de Colchagua | April 29th and 30th at the Plaza de Chépica, O’Higgins.
• Harvest Festival in Yumbel | April 22nd and 23rd in the Rio Claro sector Yumbel, Biobío.
• Wine Boulevard | April 28th and 29th in Plaza de San Clemente, Maule

May grape harvest dates

• 1st Maipo Valley Grape Harvest Festival | May 12th, 13th & 14th
• University Grape Harvest Festival Campus Colchagua U. de Talca | May 25th, Universidad de Talca, Santa Cruz

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