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Come to Chile with your partner! What you need to know to come to Chile with your pet

Come to Chile with your partner! What you need to know to come to Chile with your pet

By: Hernan Claro - 23 March, 2023

Chile with your pet

Traveling with one’s best friend is always better. For many of us, our pets are our best friends and the best company we could ask for. That’s why Chile Travel has made sure that you have all the info so you know how to travel to our country, pet included.

Travel to Chile with your adventure partner.

Pets you can bring

You can come to Chile to enjoy all that our country has to offer you and your dogs, cats or ferrets. However, to ensure the health of animals and people in the country, there are a series of requirements that must be met before your pet may travel, either if they come in the same means of transport as you, or with a “petsmover” service.

You cannot bring other types of animals such as birds, rodents or reptiles, among others. Hybrid animals resulting from crossbreeding between domestic and wild species are also forbidden to enter the country. If you want to bring a hybrid animal you must review the requirements here.

Chile with your pet

Ferrets, cats and dogs can come to Chile with their owners. @kogaan.and.griffith


There are three ways to travel with your pet:

  •     Traveling with pets and returning to Chile in less than 21 days.
  •     Traveling with pets and returning to Chile in over 21 days.
  •     Pets traveling to Chile from abroad


For the first option, an International Zoosanitary Certificate and an anti-rabies vaccination will be required, in addition to the DIPROREN resolution in the case of ferrets. For the second and third cases, a CZI or CVI  is required, in addition to the DIPROREN Resolution for ferrets.

The CZI or the International Zoosanitary Certificate is issued by the sanitary authorities of the countries of origin in accordance with the requirements established by Chilean regulations. For traditional pets from member countries of the European Union, the EU passport is valid. For ferrets, the authorization for the introduction of exotic wildlife, issued by DIPROREN must also be presented.

Chile with your pet

So cats aren’t left behind on the adventure.

Validity, offices, and costs.

The CZI is valid for 10 days with a maximum extension of five days depending on the conditions of the trip. To make this trip, you must go to one of the border posts authorized for entry to Chile with the requested background information for verification of  the requirements. The costs associated with this procedure may vary according to the country of origin, where the examinations are carried out, in addition to the verification and issuance of all the necessary documents.

If you need more information you can go to the ChileAtiende website to review all the details.

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