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Astrotourism in Chile: a window to the universe

Astrotourism in Chile: a window to the universe

By: Chile Travel - 6 November, 2017

Turismo astronómico José Maza

Is not a secret that Chile is the best place in the world for astrotourism according to several media and scientists. The north of the country has an average of 350 days of clear skies per year, making the observation of the stars a reliable activity, and not just based on good luck.

In addition to it, the altitude and the dry weather of the northern regions considerably reduce the visual pollution between our eyes, or the telescopes, and the starry night sky.

Because of this privileged condition as a paradise for astrotourism, Chile is home to high-tech scientific observatories that offer free visits as long as you plan ahead.

ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) is an immense international project carefully placed in the Atacama Desert, the world’s driest desert and the best spot on Earth to observe deep space. It is an amazing visit and a must-see for anyone that wants to know more about how the study of materials and stars is done in depth. Reservations are online, free of charge, and organized every Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Images are better than words to describe La Silla Observatory in the northern region of Coquimbo, so here there is a short 4k trailer showcasing one of the first and most productive observatories in Chile. Reservations are done by email at, and visits are on Saturdays from 2pm to 5pm:

Also in Coquimbo region, the Gemini South Observatory belongs to the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), being operated by the United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Launched in 2002, it is one of the world’s most modern observatories, and its main goal is the deep exploration of the universe from the south hemisphere. Fun fact: this observatory works shoulder to shoulder with its twin, the Gemini North in Hawaii, covering the other half of the planet. To be given a tour of the facility it is advised to plan ahead, as the reservation list can reach 2 months!

Come to Chile and explore the universe through the window at the end of the world!

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